Tuesday, September 28, 2021

 September 28, 2021

Attention all students: during your time at Sprague High School you have several opportunities to participate in patriotic ceremonies such as the Pledge of Allegiance during announcements each Tuesday, and singing the National Anthem during events such as assemblies and football games. 

At Sprague High School, we expect to see students sit or stand during patriotic displays. Both are your right. We also expect to see respect between students. Students who harass or intimidate other students based on their choice to participate or not participate in patriotic ceremonies may be removed from the activity and referred to restorative mediation. To sum up: participation is optional, but respect is required. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Students: Set yourself up for Success!  Bring your Chromebook fully charged and ready to go each and every day.  Pack your charger just in case your Chromebook loses steam before the end of the day.  If you do not have a school issued Chromebook, please check one out from the library.  

Attention Speech Team Members. Today’s synchronous practice has been cancelled. This only affects today. We will return to synchronous practice next week. Please read your email from Curry and visit our Canvas page for this week’s a-synchronous practice. New members, please check your email for the Canvas invitation and accept it. You have an a-synchronous practice plan as well. Finally, students from club rush who are interested in Speech Team, please swing by room 101 this week and see Curry for details, or feel free to come to synchronous practice next Tuesday. Once again, in-person practice today is cancelled. Team members should check your email and Canvas. 9/28

Attention students:  If you prepaid for a 2020-21 yearbook and have not picked it up yet,  please stop by the attendance office and pick yours up.  You may do this before and after school and during lunch times.