Friday, November 1, 2019

November 1, 2019

Sprague High School will be celebrating the week of November 12th thru November 15th.  During that week, Sprague students will have opportunities to build their awareness around college and career readiness.  All students and staff are encouraged to wear their favorite college & career gear that week!  11/8

AP STUDENTS: AP Registration is now open from October 1st through to Monday November 4th. The cost is $75 per exam. If you are a Free and Reduced Lunch recipient, please stop by the main office. Students should also check with their coaches and/or music teachers to see if they will be involved in any activities that will create a conflict during an exam they intend to take. They need to bring Mr. Harris a note from the coach or teacher stating that they will need to take a late test. Students you must first join your AP Classroom before any payment will be accepted. Don't miss the opportunity to take your AP exam. Registration closes – November 4th, no exceptions. 11/4

Attention: Swimmers, Wrestlers and Basketball players: Winter sport season will be here soon, if you need a new sport physical or don’t have one on file, please get this taken care of now! On-line registration will open on November 4th and close on the 13th. First official day of tryouts and practice is November 18th. All athletic registrations will be done on-line through the Sprague website.

AVID is hosting a pancake fundraiser on Saturday, November 9 from 8 to 10 in the morning at the Applebees Restaurant located on South Commercial Street.  Cost of tickets are $10.00 per person and includes a full breakfast and drinks.  Find any AVID student or AVID elective teacher to purchase tickets.  Come out and support Sprague AVID and enjoy a great breakfast too!  11/8

November is Oregon Goes To College Month. In addition to College Application Week being hosted at 125+ high schools around the state, November also marks the opening of the OSAC scholarship application, and it's a great month for the class of 2020 to submit their Oregon Promise applications.  11/8

The JV Football team finished a successful season last night with a dominating win over the visiting Ridgeview Ravens.  The offense was led by Logan Smith and Will Hassoun with outstanding performances put in by Riley Davis, Nico Fox, Colton Herring, Casen Collins and all of the offensive line.  The Defense kept the Ravens scoreless until the 4th quarter and harassed them all game long.  Great Job Team.  A reminder that the awards night is Tuesday Nov. 12th at 6pm at Sprague.